
Calcium Channel Assays

Calcium indicators, molecules that exhibit an increase in fluorescence upon binding Ca²⁺, can be used to measure the activity of GPCRs and more.

Potassium Channel Assays

Potassium and thallium indicators, which exhibit an increase in fluorescence upon binding K⁺ or Tl⁺, can be used to measure the activity of potassium channels and transporters.

Potassium Indicators

Potassium indicators are molecules that exhibit an increase in fluorescence upon binding K⁺.

Sodium Channel Assays

Sodium and thallium indicators, which exhibit an increase in fluorescence upon binding Na⁺ or Tl⁺, can be used to measure the activity of sodium channels and transporters.

Sodium Indicators

Sodium and thallium indicators, which exhibit an increase in fluorescence upon binding Na⁺ or Tl⁺, can be used to measure the activity of sodium channels and transporters.

Thallium Indicators

Thallium can be used as a surrogate ion to measure the activity of potassium and sodium channels and transporters.

pH Indicators

pH indicators respond to hydronium ions, and can be used to quantify solution and intracellular pH