i/o GPCR assays

Gi/o-coupled G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a subset of GPCRs that couple with the Gαi/o protein subunit.

On this page:

Thallium flux assays for GPCRs

Examples of Gi/o GPCR assays using our kit
Searching for thallium indicators instead?

Is your GPCR already GFP-tagged? Talk to us about using our red-shifted thallium indicator, Thallos Gold, for your assay.

Cell lines for Gi/o GPCR assays

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Image Products Excitation Emission Kd Price Quantity Action
Gi GPCR GIRK Assay Packaging
Gi/o GPCR-GIRK Thallium Flux Assay
A complete Gi/o GPCR assay for discovering modulators through direct coupling to GIRK channels. Cell lines and thallium flux reagents are included.
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