Mitochondrial Membrane Potential

Measure a key marker in apoptosis and other critical cellular processes

Membrane potential sensitive dyes, such as JC-1 and JC-10, can be used to monitor the loss of mitochondrial membrane polarization observed during apoptosis. These dyes compartmentalize in healthy mitochondria, leading to the formation of aggregates that exhibit orange fluorescence. When mitochondrial membrane potential is lost during apoptosis, these dyes no longer accumulate and return to green fluorescent monomers. The emission ratio can be measured using plate readers, fluorescence microscopes, or flow cytometers to monitor mitochondrial membrane potential.

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Image Products Excitation Emission Kd Price Quantity Action
Packaging of mitochondrial activity assay kit, ION Vital MitoVolt
ION VITAL - MitoVolt
Mitochondrial membrane potential assay kit that uses JC-10, a dye that accumulates in polarized mitochondria where it emits a red-shifted fluorescence, that is more soluble than JC-1. 5 plate.
JC-10 in DMSO (5 x 50 µL)
JC-10 allows for ratiometric analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential, where a shift from orange (Ex/Em: 540nm/590nm) to green fluorescence (Ex/Em: 490nm/525nm) is indicative of compromised mitochondria. 5 x 50 μL.